Using Simplify 3D with Repetier-Server

If you are using Simplify 3D for slicing, there is a very comfortable way to export your sliced G-Code directly to Repetier-Server. With the correct settings, you can import G-Code automatically while you click Save Toolpath to Disk in Simplify 3D. Alternatively, you can start printing directly via Repetier-Server (if the print queue is empty).

And so it works

For file transfer we use cURL and the Repetier-Server API. If you have Linux or Mac, cURL is normally already installed, Windows users can download cURL here for free:

Then you have to add an additional terminal command for post processing in Simplify 3D:

Click to open image in new window

Open Repetier-Server in your browser to get the required data to build your command:

Replace <Your API>, <Your IP> and <Your Printer Name> in the following commands with your data.


To save the sliced G-Code in the default group of your Printer in Repetier-Server when you click Save Toolpath to Disk in Simplify 3D use this code:

"curl.exe" -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -H "x-api-key: <Your API>" -F "a=upload" -F "filename=@[output_filepath]" "http://<Your IP>:3344/printer/model/<Your Printer Name>"

To start printing directly (if the print queue is empty) via Repetier-Server when you click Save Toolpath to Disk in Simplify 3D use this code:

"curl.exe" -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -H "x-api-key: <Your API>" -F "a=upload" -F "filename=@[output_filepath]" -F "name=[output_filename]" "http://<Your IP>:3344/printer/job/<Your Printer Name>"

Linux and Mac

To save the sliced G-Code in the default group of your Printer in Repetier-Server when you click Save Toolpath to Disk in Simplify 3D use this code:

"curl" -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -H "x-api-key: <Your API>" -F "a=upload" -F "filename=@[output_filepath]" "http://<Your IP>:3344/printer/model/<Your Printer Name>"

To start printing directly (if the print queue is empty) via Repetier-Server when you click Save Toolpath to Disk in Simplify 3D use this code:

"curl" -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -H "x-api-key: <Your API>" -F "a=upload" -F "filename=@[output_filepath]" -F "name=[output_filename]" "http://<Your IP>:3344/printer/job/<Your Printer Name>"


When you click Save Toolpath to Disk in Simplify 3D, the G-Code is stored regularly at the selected location and additionally the command is executed.